Tools & Resources

Tools & Resources

Over the past 10 years we have created a range of tools and resources for social enterprises and impact ventures to guide them in the establishment and validation journey, and build towards taking on impact investment.

Through building these important strategic foundations to your enterprise, funding and investment opportunities will also greatly expand beyond the limitations we see with so many early stage startups in Western Australia, which are often limited to very small grants, and FFF investment.


We’re proud to make these valuable resources available freely as part of our community impact model.

In our experience many projects seeking funding miss one or more vital foundations to create a strong business model and compelling investment ready enterprise.  Some of these are outlined below:


Accessing capital can be a major challenge for social enterprises. For many social enterprises grants can be a good solution. We’ve compiled a list of grants to get you started.

Founding Team

A solid, highly complimentary founder team and structure for bringing them onboard. Click the below button to free Belbin and Founders Pie tool

Incorporation Guide

if you haven’t yet incorporated you’ll need to think through the right legal structure, eg, for profit, not for profit, cooperative or hybrid

Establishing a NFP Board

Establishing a not-for-profit Board can be an important step for some social enterprises.

Strategic Plan

A strategic plan and investor memorandum before approaching a blended finance/impact investment funders

Impact Framework

Understanding, measuring and managing impact is what sets social enterprise and impact ventures apart.

Financial Model

A robust financial model and projection to inform an investor ask

Business Model Canvas

A validated business model with thought out pilots and revenue

Pitch Deck

A solid pitch deck to wrap the story up

Equity Agreements

Bringing co founders and key advisors onboard is a significant and important strategic step for new enterprises, and where possible should be done in a structured way and on a milestone-basis with a solid agreements in place to demonstrate diligence to funders and investors *note this is not legal advice